Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Blog About Twitter

When comparing Twitter and blackboard discussions it's important to first note some of the key distinctions. The key feature that twitter has that blackboard hasn't yet been given the ability, is to remained logged in and receive and send messages clearly without having to follow numerous steps to post a message for a discussion. In addition twitter allows you only to post a message up to 140 characters, however blackboard allows you to post unlimited characters.  Twitter also has features like retweeting, favoriting, and hashtags. These features expand the user discussion. The major difference between Twitter and blackboard is that twitter is for more for a quick discussion, while blackboard is more lengthy responses. Also with twitter your ability to attach links and media is way more advanced than blackboard and easier to post.

Although Twitter has the ability to keep up with real time events, a discussion in a classroom has one major distinction. That distinction is that everyone is engaged in a more personal conversation and has less time to think before adding input to the discussion. Classrooms also allow you to understand more clearly the points and input of your peers. Sometimes through messages we lose the meaning and understanding of the mindset of the individual giving their input. However, the beauty of something like twitter is it is an organized stream of a conversation that you can look back and view the progression of.

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